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Crowefire Community Projects

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Multi-Vendor Marketplace and Community Networking Hub

​This is a place for crafters, affiliate markets, print-on-demand graphic designers, and service providers to sell their products, find resources, network with others in their field, and collaborate with other sellers. This project is all about helping people start businesses. It is quick, easy, and affordable to start a business on this multi-vendor marketplace. Sellers do not need a website, marketing experience, or social media following to start selling and this community provides an abundance of help every step along your journey.  Check it out at

Image by Minseok Kwak
Colleagues Working Together
Collaboration Station Hub

​This will be a central hub for all kinds of collaborations between individuals, small businesses, large corporations, non-profit organisations, charities, and so on. This will be an easy to use and navigate collaboration station for things like events, conferences, summits, fundraisers, projects, companies, sustainable solutions, hosting, networking, retreat centres, builds for new ideas, product fusions, and much more. The idea behind this project is to create a hub that makes collaborating fun, easy, engaging and joins people in a community where users of the site feel connected and welcomed. I want to create a safe loving environment where the site is a beautiful buzzing beehive full of people working together and creating wonderful things with one another. 

Community Connections Hub(s)

This is a hub of hubs to connect different kinds of communities to share resources, funds, ideas, meet people and network outside of their field.This community hub is like a library, a bank, a circuit board connector, and a transit system  where  various things can flow in and out and through  the different communities. Interconnected communities conjoining hubs these are the Crowefire Community Hubs.

Support Group
Meditation Class
Community, Health, and Wellness Programming Hub

​This hub is where individuals, organisations and places offering services in community, health or wellness can find resources, network and run their programs out of the community website. The hub is for online and in person programming. There would be helpful blogs, groups and forums for members. There would also be a grant giving fund pot that people can give to which would help to grow programs in the community. 

Consulting Firm and Resource Network Hub

​Whether you need a consultant, a healer, a life coach or a different type of professional this consulting firm will offer a large range of services and will of several types of branches helping people in different areas of need transformation, healing, business, financials, legal, lgbtq2s+, web design and marketing, spirituality, family dynamics, life coaching, wellness, trauma recovery, immigration, rehabilitation, career counselling and much more. The idea is this consulting firm is a one stop shop for finding any type of help you need organised and easy to access the right people at a click of a button. There would be a support system for the consultants that helps the people helping people the idea being we all rise as a community each taking care of one another. There will be resources and networking easily accessible to all members.

Financial Consultation
interaction in class
Learning Centers Hub

​This project will be an interactive learning tool as well as a networking hub for teachers and learners. It will improve communications and create broader communities in the education system. Down the road this project plans on buying elementary schools, intermediate schools, high schools, colleges, universities, and other educational facilities, or training facilities, tweaking the programs to teach about sustainability, peaceful society practices, sacred economics, teaching for inclusiveness and the wellbeing of students as well as teachers. This project is about improving the current education system with cross system resources and networking and creating an alternate education system that excels where the current education system lacks in areas such as funding and taking care of staff.

Library Hub of Self Transformation, Skill Learning and Healing

​A resource hub for self guided learning, transformation, business start up, as well as healing and recovery. There are teachers, coaches and mentors connected to the library. You can go at your own pace with online classes, ebooks, do it yourself plans, or can get connected with the database of people offering their services in the Crowefire Community and find the right person to help you transform your life.

Classmates in the Library
Book Signing
Author's Aide Hub

​This is a community about supporting aspiring writers through their writing journey. The idea is to be a community lead self publishing assisting organisation. This is to be an alternative to big publishing firms that are very difficult to get published through. This project is about believing in every person's potential to become a best selling author and how to help that person unlock that potential. This project would offer classes, courses, programs, one-on-one mentorship, ghost writing, co-writing, editing, different tiers of publishing, marketing help, counselling, various clubs that people can join and many other programs to help authors, illustrators and editors along their journeys.

Bridging Rural & Urban Communities Network

The goals of this project is making more accessible transportation in and outside of city centres that are lacking such infrastructure, create cultural engagement programs for different age and interest categories to connect people in urban/rural areas and to set up trading/resource/skill/sharing networking in and out of the city centres.

Biker on the Bridge
Yoga Class for all Ages
Community Centers

These community centres would have co-creative aspects and cross-cultural programming integrated into a large portion of their programs. Bridging over barriers in the community by being a welcoming, open and accepting place for everyone. Programs would include language studies, recreation activities for all ages and abilities, recycling stations, nature retreat blending with the centre's grounds, sharing cultural traditions, tool lending and trade/skill learning and many other community programs.

Community Art and Theatre Studios

The idea is a low cost [art studio time/art workshops ] and [improv theatre/ theatre workshop] make sets for each other sharing space or two room combo place where people can pay a drop in fee and participate to use the space and supplies keep their art there and not have to have studio space at there own home. Both the theatre and art studio would be geared towards diversity and inclusion community activities so that differently abled persons, new comers, gender fluid, elderly, first nations, all people would feel respected, accepted, accommodated for if needed and welcomed in the community.

Ballet performance
Image by Victor Malyushev
Community Retreats Network

Creating biodiverse nature and human retreats that feed the soul. These retreats have large land areas reclaimed from civilization that are landscaped walkways for human use and are biodiverse greenery to contribute back to the ecosystem of the area. These retreats are a mix of wilderness and community places. They grow, process and store various produce for the local community. The retreat centres are half for the local community and half for being rented out to the greater community. Blending of rural, urban and wild in these places of peace and relaxation. Sanctuary for animals, plants and people co-existing in harmony.

Connecting Services

This project goes into which a city or community makes a list of all the community services in the area and creates physical and digital access hubs for the community on how to find and access the different services available in the area. This project will connect vulnerable people to services they need and could benefit from and also makes the area more efficient at helping people get connected and stay connected to services in the area they live in.

Digital Gadgets
Image by kazuend
Ecosystem Revival Coalition

This is a hope to bring pre-existing protect and persevere environment organisations together so that we can more effectively work to create long lasting positive effects on the habitats world wide that sustain life including human life. The vision for this project is to conserve, protect, take care of, revive, recreate and create new ecosystems and to have nature and biodiversity be thriving everywhere on this beautiful planet.

Food Sharing Network

Eating together, growing together, sharing, caring, community cooking and loving the food we eat. This project is about more goodness in the food we eat and the way we access food. This is about supporting local farmers, increasing biodiversity, improving food supply, reducing food waste, sharing growing methods, teaching sustainability in food we eat, sharing food in more open accessible ways, making eating together more of a valued practised, teaching different ways of cooking, making lovingly prepared meals more regular in people's diets, helping to educated the importance of food where it comes from and how we eat it in our day to day, sharing seeds and food related knowledge in a positive way.


Food Festival
Hosting & Networking For Events

Events and other collaborations networking for hosts and volunteers around the world to connect with each other. There is a bulletin board for collaborations where you can post what you are hoping to create and your contact information, the event calendar runs through this site, a volunteer listing hub. In the future we hope to add to this hub fundraising, event planning, advising and accommodations for events.

People's Project Bank

Create a crowdfunded pot of money that gives easily accessible grants to people wanting to start businesses or wish to expand businesses that are for people and/or for the planet. People helping people help more people by funding a pot of gold for everyone. Managed by the community the People's Project Bank would have committees deciding on different branches and styles of grants would be given out. Money would flow in from affiliated projects, donors, and fundraisers then would be divided up into sectors, each sector would have its own structuring committees to divide up the grants to the applicants.

Bank Notes
Creative Working
Recycling Materials Business Startups

In this project we help facilitate the start of businesses and factories using recycled materials in their products. This project would have designs available, would research, partner, join forces with clean up efforts, as well as companies creating, manufacturing, distributing recycled material products. This project would aim to help both startups and established companies scale up their recycling efforts. Along with helping directly this project would help with funding, sharing resources and networking with other recycling efforts happening across the globe.

Vertical Forests and Creating Ecosystems

Turn old sky scrapers, apartment buildings, office buildings, malls, and other buildings into full forests and thriving ecosystems open to the outside air so birds can use the ecosystems. Also have small animals and a large range of plants and insect life. These urban forests have walkways and places to sit. Sell tickets in moderated numbers to people who want to relax in nature in city centres. Have cameras to motor both the humans they know going there would be consequences if they cause damage to the forest but also so we can research and study all the various species in the urban micro ecosystem. Amble research would go into building these created urban micro ecosystems to not negatively affect the greater ecosystems they would interact with. The aim would be to give new life to old buildings everything from aquatic to aerial life all that dwell in-between as well as bringing nature into the cities for people to enjoy.

Green Indoors
Wildlife Crossing and Extending Habitats

This project is about building wildlife crossing over busy roads, highways and motorways. Each safe passage built potentially would be saving thousands of animals from being hit by cars a year and reduces accidents on the roadway. Also this project would aim to buy up any unused farming, commercial land or parking lot put in the work to restore the old ecosystem to extend habitats as much as possible. The goal is to help protect and extend habitats all over the globe as well as to network with others doing similar projects.

Affordable Beautiful Community Living

This project is about real community living with social programming, well maintained units that are actually affordable and accessible to people of all walks of life, no long waiting lists, beautiful to live in, growing food shared in community meals, common areas, recreation areas, fitness areas, guest speakers, art classes and choirs. These apartments, buildings, villages, repurposed old malls or old Olympic stadiums would be welcoming lovely places to live and be where all the residents take care of each other and feel supported by their community. The idea is community living that is beautiful, functional, fun, uplifting to live in, accessible and empowering to be a resident of.

Village Aerial
Image by Büşra Salkım
Cat's Coliseum

A coliseum where rulers are in the arena, the lion runs the show and the crowd gets the coin. World leaders, politicians, and corporate leaders compete in a series of psychologically hard, embarrassing, mentally and emotionally challenging events while learning about empathy, compassion and heart-based leadership in a live as well as televised spectacle. The ticket sales and advertising profits after covering venue and staffing costs go to funding the People's Project Bank and back into the Crowefire pot to continue helping people. Cat's Coliseum is a complete flip on the ancient use of coliseums for the aim is to create better leaders and to build up funds for the people to live better lives.

Church, Conference And Concerts

In terms of what the faith is, it is a mix of soulful Christianity and New Age Spirituality with a focus of having faith in one's self, finding the creator within and connecting to a greater creator throughout. The teachings are about transformation, overcoming adversity, healing from trauma, embracing who you are, seeing the god and goddess in one another, learning to trust the process and finding god whatever that looks like for each individual. While this project is having conferences, workshops, seminars, masses, prayer groups, it is also having music ensembles, concerts, group music lessons, bands, orchestras, choirs. Music is part of the faith, the teaching and the worship.The faith is entirely about coming together in community to support the soul's growth and journey in harmony. All religions are respected and maintained just added to.

Image by Copernico
Hospital Bed
Healing Hospitals

Healing Hospitals is a plan to send in small teams of fresh eyes into hospitals to make positive changes to the work environment as well as improve patient care. At a very low and reasonable cost that does not put excess strain on the system the team would transform the hospital for the better in every ward and department. We would greatly improve communication, in real time observe and address problem areas in each area of the hospital, build systems to improve maintenance and work on aesthetically brightening the halls of the hospital itself which would be at no cost to the hospital beyond the affordable initial flat rate to pay the team. The teams themselves would be a mix of people who have worked in hospital settings and those that have not to get the best range of problem solving for the hospitals.

Network of Healers/Health Practitioners and Places of Healing

This project is about looking at the body as a whole sharing knowledge, resources and communicating around health and healing past boundaries of areas of study. It is extremely difficult for a sick person to get the help they need and there is so much policy red tape that prevents specialists in the same hospital in the same room around the same patient from communicating with each other and sharing knowledge to help that patient. This project is about moving beyond those barriers and making health and healing open, with more discussions and more ideas coming to the table to help the people who need the help. This project is also about networking resources for hospitals, wellness centres, clinics, transformational centres, rehabilitation centres, retreats, long term care facilities and other places of healing. This project is about helping to bridge gaps in the health and wellness sector.

Reiki Healing
Second Hand Shop
Sustainable Clothing Line and Free Clothing Combo Shops

High end sustainable and fair trade clothing line has stores in wealthy areas that fund free clothing/textiles sister stores in poor areas. The sister stores compete with money and/or positive environmental impact in their community for various incentives within the company. The sister store grouping would also compete with other sister stores sets. There would be Easter eggs of the high end clothing line scattered in the free stores to encourage people in rich communities to cross into poorer committees and talk with people they would not normally interact with. The high end clothing line would also break down barriers in fashion by making a point of hiring diversity in their designers and models, having a large range of sizes, making practical fun clothing that is about mixing styles and self expression.

Wellness and Breakfast Centers

This company is a chain of bed and breakfast, wellness centres, retreats that have an aspect of eating breakfast together, eating other meals together, of playing music together, playing games together, healing together, being well, happy and healthy together.

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