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Trauma Recovery

Trauma Recovery is $120 per hour, a plan of 3 is $330, a plan of 6 is $660, and a plan of 12 is $1300


Trauma Recovery 


Trauma affects a person in many deep seeded areas. If a person has gone through physical, mental, or emotional trauma in their lifetime the energy of that trauma can become trapped in their physical body leading to chronic illness, trapped in their emotional body leading to crippling anxiety and depression, their mental body leading to a large number of mental illness or their spiritual body affecting their ability to cope with day to day tasks. Although it can, trauma does not always manifest as complex post-traumatic stress disorder in a person's psyche. People respond, deal with, and live with the results of going through trauma differently and no two people’s traumatic experiences are the same.


What is Trauma?

I would define trauma as any experience that drastically affects one's life in a scary, negative, sad, or upsetting way. What separates trauma from other experiences is trauma happens suddenly, gives you no time to respond or process, and is much more challenging to deal with than the normal range of experiences. Not everyone experiences trauma in their lives and there are some that experience different traumatic experiences one after another consequently for many years in a row. There are several types of trauma. A few examples are grief, domestic abuse, being sick for a long time or taking care of someone being sick for a long time, these are four very different experiences of emotional trauma. The way one would feel these traumas in different ways and the way one your approach aiding in the recovery of these traumas is different but all four of these examples can be as damaging and hard to deal with for the person facing the trauma because it does not matter what type of trauma you face if you do not put the time and effort to heal from it trauma can eat away at you and destroy your quality of life. 


How Can I Help with Trauma Recovery?

First I provide a safe, accepting, non-judgmental space for you to share your story. I listen, I encourage you and I help you through telling your story. I will give you advice. I will tell you about retable experiences I went through and how I dealt with it. Then we will work out a plan personalized to your journey. I will give you activities, assist you in getting set up with the good support in your community and make sure to set you up for success with your recovery whether you do one session with me or work with me for a year.  I can give you the tools for you to work through your trauma in healthy and constructive ways so you can heal and improve your quality of life. My goal is to heal you move through your trauma and start to embrace and live your life more fully. I want to help you heal to the point you are so appreciative of what you went through and where you are that you can look in the mirror each and everyday and celebrate the person you are and be excited for where you are going.

  • 1 hr

    120 Canadian dollars
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